About us

The history of our company dates back to 1995 when the company Agropian began to specialize in the processing of polyurethane. With experience mechanical facilities and the resulting processing apparatus polyurethane insulating material and an apparatus for forming the polyurethane foam.
The basic Agropian production is to perform the air inlets and shutters with polyurethane and chimneys which are components of ventilation systems in buildings and husbandry business to maintain a suitable microclimate.
In 2002. The company introduced the original model air intakes with extended wings, which was a response to the needs of the livestock sector.

In 2014, to meet the market demand created a separate department dedicated to the design and production of professional luminaries whose light source is LED. And so, after more than two years of work construction department, taking into account the expectations of our customers and all requirements related to the certification of this type of equipment, established a series of specialized lamps Led AS.
Both the stage design and production are carried out by our company on the area Polish. Furthermore, the products have a degree of protection IP68 degree of protection against impact IK10, and meet all the requirements and standards imposed on such equipment by the relevant EU directives and national laws.

All mentioned above the requirements have been confirmed by relevant certificates and test reports carried out in specialized units.